Sunday, December 18, 2016

Being Terrible at Consistancy

Hey Guess what? I'm back again! I've been gone for a while, and I'm here to tell you why. My time management sucked this past semester of school. I am a biology major and a huge chunk of my time had to stay dedicated to my school work. My major asked for a lot of attention and I made sure to use my free time to turn up and get lit as much as possible to keep my spirits up, Next semester will ask for even more attention, but I want to take this time that I am off of school to get back in the groove of things, so that I have a better chance of managing my time more efficiently. So just know this winter break, I have a lot in store to give to you all starting this week. I hope you stay tuned for the stories, the art, and the lessons I've learned. Thank you!

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