Friday, December 30, 2016

Never Settle For Less

Why settle for worse when you can claim all the best! There are a few things that I've observed about myself and that I have seen from others that could be considered settling for less and I want to elaborate on them.

Number 1: Allowing Deadbeat Guys to Dominate Your Life

     If you know he's no good, don't stay with him. If he doesn't have at least one of the qualities on your list, he's most likely not worth your time. Once you start letting yourself become available for deadbeat guys, you treat them like quality and they begin to get comfortable and start treating you like you're a deadbeat. This can lower your self-esteem and make others look at you as if you actually are dead-beat when you're not. Giving low-quality men a try is a set-up for failure. When I mean low quality, this has nothing to do with materialistic views but has to do with values, open-mindedness, humility, loyalty, and other good attributes a man should have.

Number 2: Buying Cheaper Goods

     I believe all should be able to dress as they please, regardless of designer brands just so you know my heart isn't shallow. But when it comes to quality of clothes, furniture, and food, oh boy! This is so crucial. If you buy a cheap chair, it is more likely to break faster than a quality chair, and the quality chair doesn't necessarily have to be more expensive. There are wide ranges of places to buy quality goods for lower prices without being cheated of your buck. Wholesale, clearance, and thrifting still look bomb. Just don't settle for cheaply made products or old food, because you actually waste money and harm yourself. Food poisoning and a hurt buttocks aren't the best choices.

Number 3: Staying in a Bad Circle

     You may have all been the best of friends for a whole year. Do they constantly tell you your ideas are trash; bruise your dreams? Do they always revert the conversation back to them when you speak about your accomplishments? Do they make fun of your appearance and tell you that you have to change? Don't be naive, you know you're not happy. Leave those friendships because they are toxic. They may treat you good here and there, but if the majority of those friendships rely on placing negativity on you, your best bet is to leave them. When you move from such settings, you allow room for those who truly relate to you to find you.

Number 4: Leave the 'Haters' Alone

     Are you constantly finding yourself in situations where people talk about you and all that you've done wrong? Guess what?! That's because you're popping and they want to see you fall and break your legs since they know you're a star! They are envious of you and know how to get to you! Continue to shine and not be bothered by them because if you settle for their negativity you won't be able to succeed. No one is perfect and we all have our shares of wrongs. And if they pick at your own wrongs, that shows that they are insecure about themselves. Forgive and move forward!

I hope you got a knock from this and laughed a little bit, but most importantly I hoped you gained something you can look to for encouragement this New Year! Have a blessed 2017, and continue to prosper. Be your best version of yourself! God bless.

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