Monday, December 19, 2016

How to Defeat Struggle in Your Life

     The number one point in defeating struggle in your life is to be continuously positive. It is very easy to find yourself in doubt of your abilities, especially when there is a constant cycle of stagnancy surrounding you. If you feel as if there is no way you can move forward, stand back and evaluate your situation, tell yourself that you WILL succeed, and APPLY your skills to your interests. You cannot allow your life to be a waste, just because your situation tells you that it is one. In all realness, no one is a wasted life; every human being on earth has a reason to live, whether it be to tell a story, to encourage, or to impact a nation. You have to find your PASSION and cultivate that into your purpose. The only way that you can truly do this is to find happiness in every situation. It is understood that not every situation is an easy one to get through and that those situations might be the break-down point of your life, but know that those trials are tests to see if you can be strong and still continue to shed your LIGHT. No one in life is able to achieve their greatest potential by allowing the enemy of their success to defeat them, no! You have to be confident in yourself. The saying "fake it till you make it" stands true. In order for you to be happy, it starts off with saying to yourself that you are capable of overcoming your situation, that you are strong enough, no matter what others say, and that you are enough, even if you don't believe you are. The help of others are great tools in moving forward, but you have to know that you have the power to move mountains. You are a queen or king ordained by God, but you have to KNOW that, and you have to LIVE as so. So, regardless of your current situation, remember these words, and let's win our possessions and become our definitions of greatness!

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