Thursday, August 11, 2016

Toxic, Toxic, Toxic

Whether it be your best friend, a family member, or your partner, if they don't treat you with up most respect, there may be the need for change. if there is always fight between the both of you and issues are never solved, it is toxic. If the person routinely lies to you, and you have the evidence that he or she is lying, it is toxic. If they continue to talk you down and make negative comments every time you accomplish a task, they're toxic. If they continue to hurt you, thinking that you will forgive them, they are toxic. You need to understand your worth if you don't know it now. If they are meant for your life, God will make a way to place them back in it. If they are worth fighting for, they wouldn't cause you pain on routine. Those meant for your life will always uplift you and tell you the truth when need be said, but they will never put you down for the sake of them feeling better and they will never disregard the special things that you do. A true romantic partner will tell you your beautiful even when your not looking your best because they would be your true love, not just any guy or girl who doesn't know what they want. Toxic family members may be harder to work with if they are toxic, but if you can tolerate their wrong, then so be it, but if they seriously hurt you, make sure to forgive and give them space. Forgiving anyone who maltreats you helps you move on with your life and helps them eventually realize that they hurt you. If you were to stay bitter and feed their negativity, they will use that as an excuse to continue. Forgive, forget, and move on. Don't stay stagnant, leave the guy who hurt you and work on yourself, move away from the friend who tried to ruin your name, and work on yourself. Working on  yourself will attract the people and destiny helpers meant for your life. Pamper yourself, get educated, stay humble, and all the things you want in life will find you. God bless and enter into success ! I know that was corny, but seriously.

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