Thursday, December 22, 2016

Started With Travel, Digressed into Purpose .

     I want to go to places I've never been. I want to see different worlds within my own, to see the north and the south. I want to visit the place of my ancestors and meet relatives. I want to feel what it's like to be a young woman who can independently roam to different cities with her friends because she is of age. I want to shop at cute foreign boutiques and eat at small bakeries and cafes with good local reputation. I want to take endless pictures and meet new people. I want to go to the place where my Lord and savior once lived and to see His people. I want to create bonds and connections that can last a lifetime. I want to achieve all this before I'm married, and once I am, we will go to the rest of the world. We could go to Japan, Thailand, The islands, and all the other adventurous places I have yet to see. We could have dinner dates every single night and enjoy each other's company in new settings. But, before then, I want to live as a young person should live. I want to go on mission trips while I'm young and help others who are in need and give them a hope they may have yet to find. I want people to know that their strong and to know that they have a father in heaven who will give them that extra strength as long as they believe. I want to make progress in other countries, come back from trips and start businesses with other countries, make successes with others in these countries. I want to become a lead.
     Many people carry the close minded thought that they have to be a sign of wealth in their own country alone because of their patriotism. Even if they claim not to have pride in their own country, they still hold onto the belief that there is more quality compared to others. But, what's lost in that idea is that when other countries admire you, you become a translator of culture from one to the other and you become the selling point that makes other countries attracted to your own, and yours attracted to theirs. You remove barriers between crowds. Whatever your passion or talent is, If you're able to find your worldwide audience, they will cheer you on, which will eventually channel interest amongst many other types of people. Understand that you have power and it only takes out-of-the-box thinking to push you forward. As I continue to digress, take this with you: don't allow what you've been taught all of your life to put you in a box, you have to think differently than others and make the most out of your life by action. Thinking differently is equal to more impact that you can make.

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