Monday, August 1, 2016

Time Management

It's not an easy thing to do, but I had to make it my new routine. Most of my summer consisted of taking summer college classes. The summer program that I entered gave us a strict schedule to go by and our classes placed us in tight situations where we had an essay due one day and another literally due the next. In the beginning, "Ms. Procrastinator" was alive and waited to the time a paper was due, but towards the end I was more focused. There was nowhere to escape, but to accept the fact that we paid money for the program and we had to abide by the rules and do our very best. So that was my mindset, I paid for it, so I have no choice but to do great. I took that attitude and applied it to life because someone paid for my life, whether it be my guardians or my God. The mere fact that someone invested time in us, whether it's a big or small amount, should prompt us to do our very best. On that note, understand that making sure that your on top of your assignments only benefits you and no one else. So switch that attitude and become a success!

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