Tuesday, July 14, 2015

3 Unique Ways to Style Marley Twists

   If you wear Marley twists here and there or very frequently, do you ever get tired of leaving your twists down? Do they continue to cover your face? Do you ever yearn for a unique hairstyle that can turn heads when you enter a room? Well if so, I have three very unique styles that are easy to follow and simple to do. Note that these styles are only a few that I find to work for me and that they may not be appealing to every eye. 

Style 1 : The Princess Leia Buns

Style 2 : Half Up in a Bun and Half  Down

Style 3 : Something Like Erykah Badu 

I hope this was very helpful for anyone looking for last minute styles!!! Comment below and let me know what you think! Thanks with lots of love!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 9, 2015: 4th and Final Camp Look

  Convention by this time is almost over and everyone is trying to soak up the experience while really connecting with God and one another. Throughout this last full day of camp, I wore a home-sewn dress my grandmother made me years ago that I dreaded, but now it has become one of my favorite pieces! ( Never throw away pieces you feel have potential, they may come to use in the future). This outfit was easily put together and wasn't uncomfortable for camp activities (I advise that when doing real rigorous camp activities such as rock climbing and hiking, where protective clothing and comfortable sneakers). Day 4:

P.S. ( Featuring my very good friend who has been an amazing support and looks so cute with her natural style!)

July 8, 2015: 3rd Camp Look

  The third day of the convention was later on more of an activity day. But since early every morning we had group devotions, it could be very hard waking up. This look is a very basic, cozy outfit that was easy to put together while still looking girly. I added a statement necklace to give the look a bit of identity. Day 3:

Saturday, July 11, 2015

July 7, 2015: 2nd camp look

  This day was the first whole day of camp, everyone settled in and we were ready to start the day's schedule of activities. The night before, I barely had any rest because of the of all the new conversations I had. Waking up the next morning, because of my summer "sleep late-wake up late" routine, it was very hard for me to get up. This outfit was the "go-to" for me in the morning. It was summer appropriate but cozy, and because we were in a rain-prone environment, that often reduced the surrounding's temperature. So I brought a sweater hoodie along with me. Day 2:

Comfort, ease, and layers.

Day 1, July 6, 2015: First Camp look

  Camp is a place of freedom, a place to learn more about yourself and how you take control in certain situations, and it's also a place where you relate to people you wouldn't really relate to on any usual day. The camp convention I have been going to for the past 4 years was created by RCCG Living Springs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This church leaves the inner city to camp locations out of state to help teenagers grow their own spiritual relationship with God and also builds a variety of network systems with so many people. This year, I was planning on not going, and this was me filled with pride and lacking in my relationship with God. But somehow, God found his way in convincing me to go. Day 1 Look:

A very simple, cozy, but fun outfit for the first day.