Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Empower The Black Girl; The Queen

Black Girls are an absolute ray of sunshine. We are sometimes told otherwise in the society that we live in, but it is necessary that we continue to love ourselves and put ourselves first. It is also important that we continue to spread awareness of the beautiful black girl and get her to the level of  enormous recognition. There are many factors that don't want the average black girl to win, but the more awareness there is, the stronger our bond will be and the more opportunities that will be given to her.

As we stand up and continue to let our voices be heard, we need to come to the realization that we are all sisters. No matter where you come from, whether it be Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, or North America, we are all family. There are many sisters who fail to realize this fact and we bash each other and neglect each other to make ourselves feel better. This is an issue I feel isn't brought up enough, but it is a true reality and is an experience faced daily. This is true for many other groups and communities, but as a minority and a people that have already experienced oppression, why add to the fire by hurting our own? We need to encourage each other. 

The only way we can improve as a whole and take back what is truly ours is to boost each other up. There should be an encouragement given to black owned businesses. There should be an encouragement forcing each other to not give up. There should be aid when there's a cry out for help. And I know not everyone is deserving and some may cause you pain, but the more good, the less evil to come. It takes an act of kindness to change a community, but if no one is kind, how will there be change? As humans, we love to attack issues with violence or get our revenge on those who did us wrong. In any time you have acted out of anger, what did you gain? Usually we don't gain anything other than the short-lived joy of our actions. We need to love each other and stop the bullying and become one of a stronger nation. We need to beat out the negativity and claim the royalty! 

(Thanks for reading! Comment down in the comment section so I can get your feedback on this post!)

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