Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Wedding Weekend, Aug. 9, 2015

Church: I had the opportunity to go to my old church and see a couple old faces, eat a good bagel, and drink some tea. The service was nice and we talked about how every decision in our lives leads to our purpose regardless of how wrong we were or are, if we have faith in God and acknowledge our faults He will do the fixing for us in order for us to move forward. Once we left, I just had to snap a pic or two.

Dress - TJ Maxx
Heels - Steve Madden Feliz Patent Sandals Beige

Wedding Day: After church, we went to all the way to the house we were staying at and packed our stuff in the back of the car because we knew the night was going to be longggg. From the house to the wedding, traffic was ridiculous as always! Before we got to the wedding, I thought I would be able to change from my comfortable jeans to my uncomfortable, TIGHTT, mermaid skirt, Which I wasn't able to. I had to rush to the Powder Room and get all pretty, and this was the result after.

Traditional Lace Blouse and Mermaid Skirt Tailored

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