Monday, June 25, 2018

Dealing with Sorrow


     This past week I lost someone dear to me. Although it hasn't been long and I'm not an expert, I can say this week has challenged me in so many ways. Being the only nuclear relative not present the day before the death as well as being in another country, and more. I'm not at all of saying this for you to pity me, but imagine feeling helpless with a strong gut pain for days. It's honestly the worst. But when I begin to think about all of the great things he had done in his life and all of the jokes he made, it helps ease the pain. And knowing that his wife had foreseen it and the rest of the family happened to be present the day before was even greater. And even the fact that he didn't die in the hospital that he was just discharged from, but died in the comfort of his room was the greatest. These facts that I have noted created a flowing peace in my mind. It had to be his time. Placing positive thoughts in your mind can change the way you view someone's death and bring thankfulness into your life. 
     And of course it is known that not everyone dies peacefully, some people may have passed in harsh situations. But coming to the realization that they die as heroes, that people after them may seek justice, and use their death as reference to end a cycle is a very powerful thing. I truly believe that we are all given the opportunity to reconcile with someone before they die. We all have a choice to either take on that initiative or not. The saying that 'life is too short' stands true in the means that you should never linger an unforgiving spirit or hatred because once that person is gone it's too late. There is no better feeling than knowing that you showed appreciation for someone before they passed. If I held on to any grudges I had, I would have never gotten close to him and I wouldn't have learned everything that I needed to know before his passing. I would have regretted so much if I allowed bitterness to reign in my heart. What I want you to take from this is that the pain of missing someone will be there, but no one wants to add the burden of regret into that fire. And for those who have lost a loved one and bear regret, I want you to know that that pain can be amended by doing the things they wished you would, for example, breaking a bad habit, or even praying more. I hope that this short message can help ease the pain of someone going through something similar. 

Friday, June 8, 2018

You Are Your Only Enemy / Elevation

        Not everyone you love is out to get you. Not everyone that doesn’t see the vision wants to see you fall. You are the pilot of every direction you end up going. These are some of the things I am learning in 2018. I am learning to be myself regardless of who is judging me. I am learning to follow my heart regardless of the opinions of the people dearest to me. I am learning that sometimes it is better to fall back from a situation and analyze before exploding. I am learning that life has a lot of rules, but we define them for our personal advances. Some people say there are none, but the reality is that everything has consequences. I am learning that I am no longer a child, and I have to accept that life will continue to change its course while I am in this new decade.
            I am ready for new experiences. I am ready to apply mistakes and for others to be made. I am ready to let go of the past. I am ready to make every day a glorious one. I am ready to fully commit to allowing the peace of God to flow in my life. I am ready to submit to letting the barriers fall and throwing the padlock and its key away. I am ready to be the provider I was made to be. I am ready for new beginnings.