The newest shoes, the flyer car, and that perfect partner that everyone wants. That's the perfect life, right? Should our life's worth be determined by how much we have and how many competitions we beat? This young women has the perfect home, the perfect friends, the perfect income and people all around her are envious. Let's call this young woman Stacy. Stacy is top in everything she does. She won best dressed at work, she is known as the prettiest amongst her friends, and she travels to all of the prettiest places in the world by jet. She portrays confidence and unconsciously makes others feel inferior. But the gag is, Stacy battles with depression. How come you may ask? She has everything you could wish for, and she is loved by the world. This is where the problem lies. She may have everything, but still feel empty. She may be loved by the world, but still not know how to love herself. From the beginning of time to this present day, people have wanted so much and believe that by gaining things and approval by others, they will love themselves, but that shouldn't be the case. Depending on material things and the approval of others will only create an empty void in your life. It is nice to possess things, but that shouldn't be the foundation of your joy. It is important to learn to love yourself and to be content with what you have because at the end of the day, it will only be you living YOUR life. The famous saying, "You come into this world alone and then you die one man", holds very true. Here are FIVE ways to practice self-love and contentment.
1. Write Notes to Yourself.
- Notes such as "You are loved, "I am thankful, grateful, and content, "Everything around me is for my growth" will boost optimism and help gain a new perspective.
2. Treat/ Reward Yourself.
- Take yourself out to eat when you finish a goal, watch a movie, or anything that will help boost your esteem.
3. Do the Things That You Love.
- Anything that makes you feel good inside, whether it be painting, singing, or running, tap into it and invest your time. You may find your greatest purpose.
4. Go on Nature Walks or Climbs.
- Some of the most humbling experiences are found being alone. All of the beautiful creatures, living and still, help to bring one back to balance from all of the craziness surrounding.
5.Prayer/ Meditation.
- Prayer and meditation is the medicine for attaining peace.
There are some activities that boost self confidence without the aid of individuals and help develop self-reliance. With self-built confidence, the need to impress others or the need to attain a materialistic lifestyle would lessen when one realizes their overall worth.