Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Wanting Spirit

     The newest shoes, the flyer car, and that perfect partner that everyone wants. That's the perfect life, right? Should our life's worth be determined by how much we have and how many competitions we beat? This young women has the perfect home, the perfect friends, the perfect income and people all around her are envious. Let's call this young woman Stacy. Stacy is top in everything she does. She won best dressed at work, she is known as the prettiest amongst her friends, and she travels to all of the prettiest places in the world by jet. She portrays confidence and unconsciously makes others feel inferior. But the gag is, Stacy battles with depression. How come you may ask? She has everything you could wish for, and she is loved by the world. This is where the problem lies. She may have everything, but still feel empty. She may be loved by the world, but still not know how to love herself. From the beginning of time to this present day, people have wanted so much and believe that by gaining things and approval by others, they will love themselves, but that shouldn't be the case. Depending on material things and the approval of others will only create an empty void in your life. It is nice to possess things, but that shouldn't be the foundation of your joy. It is important to learn to love yourself and to be content with what you have because at the end of the day, it will only be you living YOUR life. The famous saying, "You come into this world alone and then you die one man", holds very true. Here are FIVE ways to practice self-love and contentment.

1. Write Notes to Yourself.

-  Notes such as "You are loved, "I am thankful, grateful, and content, "Everything around me is for my growth" will boost optimism and help gain a new perspective.

2. Treat/ Reward Yourself.

- Take yourself out to eat when you finish a goal, watch a movie, or anything that will help boost your esteem.

3. Do the Things That You Love. 

- Anything that makes you feel good inside, whether it be painting, singing, or running, tap into it and invest your time. You may find your greatest purpose.

4. Go on Nature Walks or Climbs.

- Some of the most humbling experiences are found being alone. All of the beautiful creatures, living and still, help to bring one back to balance from all of the craziness surrounding.

5.Prayer/ Meditation.

- Prayer and meditation is the medicine for attaining peace.

     There are some activities that boost self confidence without the aid of individuals and help develop self-reliance. With self-built confidence, the need to impress others or the need to attain a materialistic lifestyle would lessen when one realizes their overall worth. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

How to Be a Cash College Baby!


     It may sometimes seem difficult. You may look at your friends and wonder, "How did they get that opportunity, and how come its so hard for me to get the same?" It's all about confidence. Coming into college I had no professional work experience. The only experience I had was assisting my mother in her entrepreneur activities as well as creating my own. She gave me insight to the overall working experience and this is what I put on my first resume. Sometimes experience at home, something as little as babysitting, is good enough to be considered prior work experience. It was vary  hard for me to get an off-campus job with the experience I had on my resume. No matter where I applied, it seemed like no one was interested in me. This is what prompted me to look for a job on campus. It is so much easier to get hired for a campus job for the fact that employers are understanding of students' needs financially to support their academic career. Usually, these on-campus jobs understand when an employee cannot come to work due to academic reasons. School will always come first in their eyes. For the fact the job would be on campus, commutes would cost little to nothing at all, saving you more money. The benefits are endless and this is unfortunately the gem that many students aren't aware of. Find out more about your school's specific system for applying to on-campus jobs and start making money! Or, you could just be a sugar baby lol

(p.s I am not promoting any specific organization or individual)

Sunday, March 11, 2018

What is Love?


     I usually don't speak on topics like this, because in my opinion, the world's description of love has been swayed by personal emotions of infatuation. But, what does it mean to love? How does someone know when to say, "I love you?" Of course, we all have loved ones that we say we love and hold dear, but when it comes to that special individual outside of our family and friends, when are we sure that we love them? Is it by the things that they give us, physically or mentally? If someone cannot feed your mind and stimulate your aspirations, do they really love you? I'm not saying that receiving gifts, dinner, and entertainment shouldn't be appreciated, but if that's all you're getting, is that really love? If all you see when you look at them is sexual desire and no substance, is that really love? No one wants to be with someone who only brings them gifts to shut them up or brings them gifts in order to take away that one special thing that you may have. Love should be compared to a mental checklist. Do they care enough about you to be there if something tragic may happen in your life? Would they feed you and clean you if you were bed written? Would they travel miles to see you just to hold you if you were broken? Sometimes, you will never know how much love someone has for you until, God forbid, you are in a bad situation. But one thing that should be checked for sure, is their intentions. People will always show you signs of who they truly are once you tap into it. Some people will show you signs of their intentions after the first week of knowing them. It is important to be aware of the positive and negative signs in order to make these mental checks. For example, if a man only glorified and complimented the appearance of a woman's body at first conversation, that could be a red flag that he only cares for her looks. If a man first and foremost asks a woman about her aspirations and goes out of his way to encourage and attempt to open doors for that woman, that is a red flag that he truly cares for her and wants to see her grow. It's all about knowing your surroundings, having an understanding of the type of man/woman you look to pursue, and if you want to be completely loved, or only lusted after. I hope that the difference is clear, you have to know your own worth, love yourself, before another being can give that same love to you. 

(I don't believe you are ever too young to know what love is, to each their own)